| 1. | I had a picture taken during the holy communion 我在圣餐礼的时候照的 |
| 2. | 3 . visitation and giving holy communion to the sick and the elderly 3 .探访及为病人和长者傅油或送圣体 |
| 3. | Method of receiving holy communion 领圣体方法 |
| 4. | 3 . 3 all should wash their hands after visitation or giving holy communion to the sick 3 . 3探访病人或送圣体给病人后,应立即洗手。 |
| 5. | 2 . 13 blessing of children should take place after giving holy communion . laying of hands may be used for blessing 2 . 13应在送圣体后才祝福儿童,可采用覆手方式。 |
| 6. | A a lot of the faithful desire to go to confession and receive holy communion during holy week 甲很多教友期望能于礼仪年的高? ,即圣周礼仪期间,办告解和领圣体。 |
| 7. | A lot of the faithful desire to go to confession and receive holy communion during holy week (甲)很多教友期望能于礼仪年的高? ,即圣周礼仪期间,办告解和领圣体。 |
| 8. | 2 . 10 all priests and eucharistic ministers should individually wash their hands before and after giving holy communion 2 . 10司铎及送圣体员,在送圣体前后必须个别冲洗双手。 |
| 9. | 8 a member with infant baptism shall partake of the holy communion in this congregation after the rite of confirmation 接受过婴儿洗礼的会员在接受坚信礼之后方可领受圣餐。 |
| 10. | 3 . 2 priests and eucharistic ministers may resume regular home visits and give holy communion to the sick or the elderly at home 3 . 2司铎和送圣体员可照常到病人及长者家傅油 |